Magical Solutions in IT

Client Relationships

SugarCRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) package that comes in both free and commercial open source versions. It helps manage business-critical interactions, including sales, marketing and post-sale support.

SugarCRM is built and run on the LAMP stack, though it can also be run under Windows. The Open Source version features most of the functionality of the Professional and Enterprise editions, including contact management, lead tracking, shared calendars, marketing email and project management. Some of the Professional version features include MS Outlook integration, team and workflow management and sales forecasting tools.

Why we use SugarCRM

We provide SugarCRM installation and support for our customers as it comes with unbeatable value in its open source incarnation and excellent value even when the extended commercial version is necessary.

As an open source project, worldwide participation has developed SugarCRM into a product that provides what is functional and necessary for business advantage, not what any one software publisher thinks is good for you.

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