Magical Solutions in IT

How We Do It

Engineering the Right SolutionHow We Do It

Your business is unique. It may appear similar to others in the same sector, but its people, location, product base, customers and strategic intentions require a carefully crafted support system by people who really understand the business.

We have years of experience with SMEs, but we also understand the needs of large companies. Every one of our consultants is expert in commercial understanding...

There is a wide range of software products of varying quality, integration possibilities and aptness for your needs. Each of our consultants is also fully in touch with what is available. Importantly, we have no hidden ‘sales list’ of products we must unload on unwary customers.

We will only propose what we believe to be the optimum solution for your business needs.

There can be considerable choice in the depth and scope of a new implementation. Considerations of cost, risk, timescales and absorption by the business, can regulate what is practical and do-able. It may be necessary to ‘taste’ new technologies before committing to a comprehensive integrated new system. The transformation of the business provides a learning challenge which may take a little time to address.

We will be sensitive to the culture and maturity of the business, in terms of its ability to make best use of and adapt to new technology solutions.

Your people are crucial to your success. New systems must complement their work, free them from the drudgery of repetitive, low-level tasks, and enhance the quality of their work and communications with clients. They must be enabled to effortlessly use the new systems available to them, and never feel confronted by something which frustrates or confuses.

We will not ‘walk away’ when the implementation is done; that is only half the job. We will provide developmental support and coaching and training for staff. We will give on-going advice on how new systems can be optimised, integrated and enhanced. On-line support will be available for every-day queries, and contractor resources will provide for any resourcing need you may have. We’re with you for the long term.

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